Snow, Moomins and Me

I’m sat here writing this with a cup of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and a hot water bottle keeping me warm. I’m not working today because covid has affected my work, so I only work every other Monday atm.

So yesterday, like much of the UK , my part of Wales woke up to a winter wonderland of snow.

Thankfully for us it was only about 2 inches worth, so everything looks pretty but not enough to make me panic about commuting later in the week.

I’m not a huge fan of snow, mostly because it impacts my ability to get to work but whilst it looks pretty at first it soon turns to dirty, muddy, slippery slush…urgh!

Anyway, recently some friends (who know i’m a bit Moomin obsessed) shared photos onto my twitter timeline of snow Moomins-so some people choose to make Moomins from snow rather than traditional snowmen! So my first thought for once was rather thsn “argh snow” was instead-“I’m gonna make a snow Moomin!”

So at 9am off I trot out to the front garden armed with a Moomin shaped post it note as inspiration and start sculpting. I’m quite good with my hands anyway (phnarr) plus I focused on sculpture when i did A level art many moons ago. So sculpting wasn’t too alien to me.

The snow wasn’t that easy to use at first, it was either very loose and dusty or compacted hard. So i figured that i

I would make a base then gradually layer up. I wasn’t convinced I could manage it at first, the Moomin snout was looking very flat like a platypus! But eventually , after persevering, I built up the nose into a good moominous shape. Then i built up the ears and sculpted them into a nice pointy shape and then found a couple of berries for the eyes.

Hey presto, snow Moomin!

Obviously I had to tweet about it, and was pleasantly surprised when it garnered a couple hundred likes yesterday.

Then I did a cheeky retweet this morning and that’s when it took off. I was retweeted by 2 tweeters who have 25k and 10k followers and then Moomin Official retweeted!

Last I looked i had 780 likes!

Its a little scary when a tweet garners so many likes and I have to admit I am grateful that this is what I have gone a little viral over , rather than a negative tweet.

By last night,however, my Moomin was already starting to collapse and today he is no more (I also added an obligatory extra tweet encouraging people to “Be more Moomin”)

Anyway, back to yesterday ,we decided to have a walk in the park in our village. We crunchee through the fresh show and admiree the beautiful landscape. Hope you like my pictures!

rabbit tracks in the snow
Bit of colour
I wrapped up super warm!

stay safe and cosy!


  1. Moominous ❤️😂😂
    Very cool you sculpt too and I only know of Moomins through you so thank you for opening up a magical world
    I love snow and cold weather and your wrapped look with gorgeous scarf is luminous 😁🌹
    Very uplifting post and positives are always better than negatives ❤️😉

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I loved your snow moomin; he was such fun. It is scary getting lots of retweets, but just think of how many people’s timelines you must’ve brightened in these grotty days.

    I too am no fan of snow. It looks pretty, but it sucks to go anywhere in it.

    Liked by 2 people

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