Christmas break and 2022

hey! Happy New Year!

Oh gosh, apologies for being so quiet on here, life has just been very tiring and I’ve not really looked forward to Christmas this year.

But its pretty much over and it wasn’t too bad after all.

November and December were pretty full on…I had a conference in Glasgow ( i will be doing some posts on Glasgow!) and a few extra days up there work was very busy and I did some extra days.

I did go out with my one workplace for an evening do. I was a bit concerned regarding covid but I told them that if I wasn’t happy with safety then I wouldn’t stay. Thankfully the venue ‘The Bristol Christmas Speigeltent’ was extremely well organised. They checked every single person for lateral flow test results/vax status . The venue was not as crowded as usual ,there was table service only for food and drinks and all staff were in masks. The Speigeltent experience is always good fun,its a beautiful venue and they always have fab cabaret and the food was very good this year too. I left as soon as people started leaving their tables to dance though, lol.

Did a couple of work secret santas (premise that you allocate a spending amount and pull a name out of a hat for who you buy for)..i got a box of mini gins and some Richard Armitage coasters form the other ! Lol

Went to see my family just before xmas as they are out of the country for a few months, we all did LFTs on the morning. Had a lovely day with them.

I also saw my Mum at Xmas and got to look through a bunch of old pics which was lovely. Here’s little me, my Nan when she was 19 and my Grandad probably in his 40s.

Christmas was the chap and I together and he bought me some lovely presents, tbh I didn’t think he’d got me much so I asked for some slippers. Cheeky monkey had actually picked me up a beautiful bracelet I had admired whilst in Glasgow ( Glasgow! I need to write some blog posts for you!) Michele also sent me some lovely items from the USA including a snuggly blanket, these lovely tea set tree decs , an astro glass and Mr Thornton face mask.

I worked on Wednesday and Thursday i did an immediate life support training day.

Yesterday i followed the recommendation of Richard Armitage and got my matching pj’s on, made a bacon butty and binge watched the entire series of his new Netflix thriller ‘Stay Close’. No spoilers here, it was nice to see him in a different role. The rest of the cast were really great, the story was good though I feel the screenplay was not quite up to the job. Still something easy to watch with our fave actor! Plus i got a like from RA on twitter!

Have a good New Year all!


  1. You were a busy beeling these past two months! Can’t wait to read on Glasgow. Glad you got to spend time w your brother and family before they took off. Your holiday dinner venue and meal look great!
    And to top it off The Armitage liked your tweet
    I’m almost done with SC hmm 🤔😬🤐🥱
    Happy New Year lovely 😊


  2. Ce nouvel article s’est fait attendre, mais pour les meilleures raisons. C’est toujours fabuleux de lire vos lignes et de découvrir vos activités passionnantes et étonnantes. J’attendrai les prochaines avec impatience.
    Ici, vous donnez beaucoup de nouvelles sur des sujets très variés, j’en suis très heureuse.
    Sans abonnement à Netflix, je vais encore attendre un peu. Comme vous, de toute manière mes journées sont trop courtes pour les occuper avec du “binge watching”. Je déteste utiliser des anglicismes. Mais j’adore les 2 versions de la traduction officielle en français de ce terme: visionnage boulimique ou visionnement en rafale. Soit il s’agit d’un terme relatant une pathologie, soit un terme rappelant l’usage des armes à feu ou le vent en météorologie…
    Je suis heureuse que vous vous portez bien et “Bonne ann” Rachel!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bullimic viewing, lol
      Yea, you are a much busier person than I so it is understandable thst you do not have the time to spend this amount of time in front of the tv. Tbh, I wouldn’t rush either .
      Thank you for your kind words x

      Liked by 2 people

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